The Knowledge Warehouse Limited. That was the registered name of the company: eight syllables. That’s not so many you might think. But people would refer to us as KW or Knoware; it just simply saves time. And when you’re asked for your elevator pitch of who you are and what you do it takes quite a bit of time to roll those syllables out. For marketing and branding it can be a pain to fit all those letters onto a promotional cap or whatever.
Our website had always been “” with a redirection from “” to our Knoware website. We also trademarked Knoware to keep it our own. After a couple of years of too many syllables we decided to make life simpler: we retained the company name but we would brand ourselves as Knoware.
Did people do a double-take? Ask what the…? Yep sometimes. If you stood up at a function and introduced yourself as Clare from Knoware they could look a bit stunned. But it’s that old story of say it with confidence, like wearing your slippers out in public by mistake. Just do it with panache. So we did. Knoware. In the business of data and analytics.